Kitchenaid K5SS Accessories have various designs and shapes to fulfill your needs and preference. Kitchenaid k5ss is stand mixer for mixing dough into soft and subtle texture. You can change its head with other parts in order to expand its capability. For example, you can use pasta or sausage cutter to replace usual flex beater or wire whip. More about accessories for this appliance will be explored below.

Kitchenaid K5SS

Top Choices for Kitchenaid K5SS Accessories

Flex beater is the main part of stand mixer. It has curve shape with flat metal as material. You use it to blend dough in order to mix into single form. Keep in mind than beater is for dough not for creating the dough itself. For the latter purpose, you need wire whip. This part is specifically to mix raw ingredients from beginning such as egg, flour, etc. Wire whip is like beater but contains thin and less curve metal. When flex beater only has two sides, wire whip has many flat metals. You can replace the old flex beater and wire whip with new one.

One of Kitchenaid K5SS Accessories is bowl. Standard bowl is enough to mix the daily dough, but you may consider it for another one. It is bowl with capability to exhaust heat. The bowl has closed lid at the top to prevent foods from outer exposure. You put this bowl on stand then mix anything inside while keep heating. Besides bowl, the accessories are also available for juice and food processing. You do not have to use different appliance for juice because it only replaces the normal beater with juicer and sauce maker. Food processing is another attachment to cut, slice, grind, or do anything for your ingredients.

As it mentioned above, Kitchenaid K5SS Accessories are the top choices when you want to cook pasta or sausage. Pasta attachment lets stand mixer to turn into pasta maker. After you mix the dough for creating pasta, remove its head with specific tool to turn the dough into pasta. It is similar to sausage when you can determine the size and shape from its head. You can make ravioli and other pasta-based food using the attachment or accessories from Kitchenaid for stand mixer.

Well, food processing is one tool to do many things. You may consider doing separately such as grinding or slicing. The accessories are also available for such purpose. It is cutter and slicer with capability to cut and peel any fruits and vegetables. You want to make noodles and do not have tool to transform the dough into raw noodles. Kitchenaid provides accessories for such purpose. It is also compatible with stand mixer. One thing that might be interesting is about ice cream maker. You can use this tool to create ice cream only by using stand mixer.

All of accessories are available from Kitchenaid official store. Buying products from the same company will reduce the risk for being damaged. Moreover, the parts are absolutely compatible with stand mixer. You do not have to buy many appliances for making juice, sausage, pasta, noodles, and ice cream. Just replace usual head at mixer with Kitchenaid K5SS Accessories and everything is done.


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