Carlo’s bakery lobster tail has unique look and delicious taste. People want to know how to make such food. You should follow the below instructions for more explanation. Make sure you understand how the outer layer is prepared and built.
The dough:
- Flour, 500 grams
- 1 tablespoon salt
- Water, 175 ml or more
- 25 grams honey
The filling
- Whole milk, 450 ml
- White sugar, 100 grams
- One pinch salt and cinnamon
- Semolina flour, 150 grams
- Ricotta, 500 grams
- 1-2 large eggs
- Vanilla extract, ½ tablespoon
- Candied orange, 50 grams and finely chopped.
For topping
- Unsalted butter, 150 grams or lard
- Confectioner’s sugar
Cooking Instructions:
- Prepare a large bowl and combine the flour with salt. Pour water and honey then mix them slowly until they turn into dough. Add more water if the dough is still stiff.
- Knead the dough on the counter. Keep it until smooth and subtle. Wrap and put it into the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Get the dough and split it into four sections. Take one and roll it into pasta machine. Fold slowly and start again until the dough is thin. Keep the sheet until it reaches 1 mm.
- Roll each sheet into each other to create multiple layers.
- For the filling, combine salt, sugar, and milk in a saucepan. Boil them and add semolina flour then whisk to thicken. Keep the mixture in low heat then put it into a bowl.
- Take the dough and insert the filling. Use butter to smooth the process.
- Preheat oven and bake the dough until it turn into pastry.
- Sprinkle sugar to taste.
You will spend more time on the dough to make the proper lobster tail form. Carlo’s bakery lobster tail requires paste machine to ensure you have the thinnest possible form for the dough. After that, you can arrange them into layer and roll slowly. It takes practice and patience.
For shorten way, you should choose two or three layers. Sometimes, people forget the lobster tail because they decide to bring the normal pastry form. Of course, making lobster tail is a challenge you should try. For your information, you can get Italian lobster tail pastry nearby with affordable price when you need the quick and ready food.
After the dough is ready, the next job is making the filling. In general, you may follow the traditional filling with semolina flour. For more variations, some people try crust lobster itself. As long as you know how to put it into pastry, Carlo’s bakery lobster tail is free to modify.