You can enjoy Ragu Alfredo sauce recipes with chicken and fettuccine at home. The recipe is simple and easy. Moreover, the ingredients are available easily to find. Ragu Alfredo is special sauce for any cooking or recipe. You can combine it with chicken, beef, and other meats. To know how to make this, read the next sections.


  • 1 jar Ragu  Classic Alfredo
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 lb. chicken, boneless and skinless
  • 8-10 ounces fettuccine, drained and cooked


Cooking Instructions:

  1. Cut chicken into strip form. Make sure to have one bite size.
  2. Put butter into skillet and melt it. Keep temperature at medium heat then put the chicken. Cook until it turns slightly brown or gold then put aside.
  3. Pour and stir sauce into skillet and simmer it. Keep the heat at low level. Stir slowly for five minutes.
  4. Put chicken on plate and pour the sauce over it. Add fettuccine and sprinkle it.
  5. It’s ready to serve.

In Ragu Alfredo sauce recipes, you use Ragu Classic Alfredo sauce. It is creamy sauce with Romano and Parmesan cheese to boost the flavor. You can read the complete list of the sauce’s ingredients in the official website. Besides this sauce, you can also find other products, such as Light Parmesan and Double Cheddar. All sauces use cheese as the key compound.

Moreover, you cook the chicken with butter in skillet. This process takes ten minutes or more depending on how soft the texture you want. After that, you use same skillet to heat and melt sauce. As it mentioned above, the sauce already has flavor without any additional seasonings. However, you can add salt, garlic, or pepper to boost the flavor in Ragu Alfredo sauce chicken recipe.

Cooking for chicken and sauce is separated. After the first part is done, pour sauce at the top of chicken. Another process is to combine both then cook for five minutes. You can add sauce directly on chicken then simmer it for a moment. It lets chicken to absorb flavor from sauce. The last part is fettuccine as vegetable. Consider mixing directly before the chicken is ready.

This recipe is suitable for special dinner with family or friends. It takes thirty minutes from preparation until all cooking is done. Furthermore, you may add more vegetables to make the recipe healthier. Therefore, this is one of Ragu Alfredo sauce recipes that everyone cannot ignore.


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