Marie Callender’s potato cheese soup recipe is one of the most liked recipes on the internet. There are some people who have reviewed the recipe and they made it. This potato cheese soup is not so heavy, but not so light as well, which will warm your cold days in winter. You can make this recipe as an appetizer for your complete eating time.
In addition, this dish is so easy to make. You don’t have to provide many ingredients for making it, as long as you have the basic ingredients: potatoes, cheese, and butter. This is a very simple recipe; even your children can make themselves by having your authorized, of course. This recipe is also a tasty one, that many people have reviewed it. You can find thousands of the recipes in the internet but this one is the best one ever.
Based on the reviews, most people use this Marie Callender’s potato cheese soup recipe to serve the best soup ever. The time for cooking this dish is approximately an hour, so you can manage your time to cook it and serve it when it is still hot. You may bring some of your friends to join your soup time since the serving is for more than 6 people. Without any further ado, let’s check this recipe out!
- 8 cups potatoes, first you have to peel them and cut them into cubes
- Two cups of chopped onions
- 4 cups half-and-half (a kind of dairy)
- Six tablespoons of butter
- 4 cups celery, clean and chop it firstly
- Salt for seasoning (approximately two tablespoons)
- A cup cheddar cheese, better to have shredded sharp cheese
- As garnish, use chopped parsley
Cooking Instructions:
- Provide a large pot. Place potatoes and onions in the pot. Add celery shortly after. You can add approximately two teaspoons of salt as seasonings.
- Mix them all together and simmer for fifteen minutes or until the ingredients are tender.
- Prepare you food processor with a metal blade. Make a puree by using the food processor. Leave the chunks; don’t puree it too soft.
- Get the puree back to the large pot. Next, add the half-and-half to it. Shortly after that, add butter and shredded cheese to it.
- Stir your puree until it gets hot and yummy. If you don’t want to break it you should make sure that the soup doesn’t boil.
- Your soup by using this Marie Callender’s potato cheese soup recipe is ready. You can eat it straightway of garnish it using parsley to make its appearance good.
As a note, do not forget to serve this soup hot to make a strong yet tasty taste of it. You should notice that this soup is quite thick as appetizer, so it is better to serve it in small portions. This Marie Callender’s potato cheese soup recipe will steal you family, friends, and relatives’ hearts by having the combination of soft, hot, and super tasty soup in their tummies.