Bojangles Fried Chicken recipes are the perfect choices to make a memorable celebration of Thanksgiving with family. It is a simple chicken dish recipe that you can follow easily in order to make a yummy fried chicken. All you need to do is just buying a whole chicken and some simple ingredients which you can find easily in the nearby market place.

In United States, chicken dish or a baked turkey are two kinds of menu on Thanksgiving Day and have been well-known traditionally through hundreds of year. But now, you can try something different with chicken meats. Before starting to make Bojangles fried chicken recipes, it is better for you to assure that your kitchen, ingredients and cooking tools are all clean. The unclean ingredients might change the taste of your recipe.

Bojangles Fried Chicken recipes


  • 1 (3 – 4 pound) whole chicken, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
  • 1quart vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tablespoon paprika powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt or as needed
  • 1 cup of egg shake
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper


Cooking Instructions:

  1. Wash and clean the chicken pieces with clean water.
  2. Rub and mix them with salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, Cajun seasoning and paprika powder until the seasonings mix properly with chicken.
  3. Prepare the flour on bowl and mix it with the egg shake until well mixed (add some salt as needed).
  4. Roll the chicken pieces on the flour and egg mixture until all of them well covered.
  5. Roll them again in another bowl containing dry flour until they are well covered.
  6. Prepare the vegetable oil to a medium frying pan.
  7. Heat the vegetable oil to approximately 365 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8. Drown the chicken pieces into hot oil.
  9. Please keep it properly fried.
  10. Fry the chicken at least 15-20 minutes long until golden.
  11. Drain the fried chicken pieces on the wire rack.

If you are a big fan of spicy foods, just add one or two tablespoon of chili pepper when rubbing the chicken pieces with seasonings. After they are drained, put them on the flat plate or on the chicken basket. Look, the Bojangles fried chicken recipes are completely easy to be followed when you are confused enough to think about how to give a quite different taste on your chicken dish. These simple recipes are made for you who always think creatively in the cooking times as you can put the other ingredients to make the taste richer.

The yummy taste of your chicken is not only depending on the seasonings used for ingredients, but also on the freshness of chicken meats that you are going to use. Your consideration in choosing all the ingredients makes the taste memorable for every tongue that tastes it. A good preparation on the ingredients will make you ready to make the best dish. Let the Bojangles fried chicken recipes become your family’s favorite recipes to make in every single celebration.


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